INET Server
The iNET Server is a hardware platform for hosting the InetSupervisor software suite. It ships in a wall mount enclosure suitable for indoor equipment rooms. It is capable of serving web-based GUI for small to medium sized controls networks. The InetSupervisor suite includes an Open-Architecture browser-based graphical interface allowing users to view and manipulate underlying systems without the need of dedicated workstations or client software.
Standard web development software can be used to create stunning graphics with standard images jpg, gif, png, bmp, swf, and many others. InetSupervisor technology updates data screens in background eliminating the need for page refreshes, maximizing the user experience. iNET Server provides a distributed system when multiple units are networked together for scalability and reliability. Multiple iNET Servers can be installed for schedule backup and redundancy purpose on a single network.
iNET Server is also optimized and customized for M2 networks and can now be bundled with an M205-USB communication module. ICMS software is pre loaded and included in the iNET Server purchase price. Drivers and software for all common communication modules (M204-USB, M204-NET, M205-USB etc.) are also pre loaded.